D. Mandelli, D. Maljovec, A. Alfonsi, C. Parisi, P. Talbot, J. Cogliati, C. Smith, C. Rabiti
Mining Data in a Dynamic PRA Framework
Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 108, Pages 99-110 (2018)
D. M. Osborn, T. Aldemir, R. S. Denning, D. Mandelli
Level 2 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Using Dynamic Event Tree Analysis
Chapter of the Book Advanced Concept ins Nuclear Energy Risk Assessment and Management (2018)
D. Mandelli, D. Maljovec, A. Alfonsi, C. Wang, Z. Ma, C. Parisi and C. Smith
Integration of Fault-Trees and Event-Trees into Dynamic PRA
Proceedings of ANS Summer Meeting, Philadelphia (2018)
C. Wang, A. Alfonsi, D. Mandelli, P. Talbot, C. Rabiti
Automatic Selection of High-Fidelity Models and Surrogates for Uncertainty Analysis
Proceedings of ANS Summer Meeting, Philadelphia (2018)
A. Alfonsi, C. Wang, C. Rabiti, D. Mandelli
Adaptive Surrogates within the Raven Framework For Dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Analysis
Proceedings of ANS Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference BEPU (2018)
C. Parisi, A. Alfonsi, D. Mandelli, C. Rabiti
Automatic Limit Surface Search For PWR Transients By Relap5-3d/Raven Codes
Proceedings of ANS Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference BEPU (2018)
P. W. Talbot, C. Rabiti, A. Alfonsi, C. Krome, R. Kunz, A. Epiney, C. Wang, D. Mandelli
Correlated Synthetic Time Series Generation for Energy System Simulations using Fourier and ARMA Signal Processing
Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources NURER (2018)
D. Mandelli, C. Parisi, Z. Ma, C. Wang, A. Alfonsi
Integrating classical PRA models into Dynamic PRA
Proceedings of the Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management PSAM Conference (2018)
T. Ulrich, R. Boring and D. Mandelli
Using Microworlds to Support Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis
Proceedings of the Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management PSAM Conference (2018)
D. Mandelli, D. Maljovec, A. Alfonsi
Reduced Order Model and PRA: a Multi-Unit Perspective
ANS Winter Meeting (2018)