T. Aldemir, M. Stovsky, J. Kirschenbaum, D. Mandelli, P. Bucci, L. Mangan, D. Miller, X. Sun, E. Ekici, S. Guarro, M. Yau, B. Johnson, C. Elks, and S. Arndt
NUREG/CR-6942: Dynamic Reliability Modelling of Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems for Nuclear Reactor Probabilistic Risk Assessments
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 2007
D. Mandelli, P. Zhang, T. Aldemir, and R. Denning
A risk-informed approach in the design of a molten salt reactor
in Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), Boston (MA), vol. 96, pp. 299-301, 2007